Global fluoropolymer technology and manufacturing. Fabrics, medical implants, industrial sealants & filtration, signal transmission, & consumer products. “W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. is an American manufacturing company specializing in products derived from fluoropolymers. It is a privately held corporation headquartered in Newark, Delaware, with operations around the globe. Although best known as the developer of waterproof, breathable Gore-Tex fabrics, Gore’s products are also used in a variety of industrial and consumer products, such as electronic signal transmission, diverse industrial applications and medical implants. Source :”

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- Category : Business Electronics Technology United States
Tags : best companies to work for> Delaware> electronics> ePTFE> fabrics> filtration> fluoropolymer manufacturing> fluoropolymer technology> FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For 2012> g> gor-tex> gore> gore-tex> goretex> gortex> innovative companies> Medical> Newark> polytetrafluoroethylene> PTFE> sealants> w> W. L. Gore & Associates