LORD is a diversified technology company with a long history of developing breakthrough adhesive, coating and motion management technologies that significantly improve the performance of our customers products
Tags: adhesive, Adhesives, aerospace, agriculture, Artillery, australia, Automotive, Brazil, Cary, chemlok, China, Civil engineering, coatings, Component Assembly, Construction, control noise, defense, Designs, electronic materials, Electronics, Chip Assembly, Erie, France, germany, Hong Kong, india, Industrial Assembly, Israel, Italy, Japan, korea, magneto-rheological, malaysia, manage mechanical motion, manufactures, manufacturing, Marine, markets devices, metaljacket, mexico, military aircraft, Missile Systems, motion management, MR, netherlands, noise control, noise reduction, North Carolina, Off-Highway Vehicles, Pennsylvania, poland, Private Aircraft, Process Industries, rail, recreational, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, specialty chemicals, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanks, thailand, Transportation, Truck/Bus, turkey, Vibration & Motion Control and Magneto-Rheological (MR), vibration control, vibration reduction